The Vermont Department of Libraries and the University of Vermont published A Union List of Vermont Newspapers in Oct 2000. This publication provides an alphabetical list of all known Vermont newspapers, with dates of publishing (where known), along with repositories and their holdings, whether on microfilm or in print version. The Dept. of Libraries also has, at their Montpelier location, a card file listing newspapers by locality. This is an extremely helpful aid for those wishing to research a particular area in a particular year. For example, a death in a community might be noticed in a number of nearby newspapers; the Union List of Vermont Newspapers, being alphabetically arranged by title, does not make an easy task of locating those newspapers.
The following index lists all newspapers in A Union List of Vermont Newspapers by locality, along with the dates of publication, where known. Uncertain information is included in square brackets, and the dates shown in such cases is this compiler’s best guess at the information based on the union list record. It is important to note that the date range does not imply that all issues within that range have survived and are available for viewing. Indeed, only a single issue of some titles has survived. The page reference after each listing is to the page in the Union List.
In many cases the publishing location is not noted in the union list. In such cases, the newspaper is listed under the heading, “Vermont (Unknown Location)”. Sometimes there are clues as to where the publishing location was, and the compiler has listed it twice, once under the possible location and once under the unknown location heading.
The surviving issues of newspapers are available at a number of repositories, as revealed in A Union List of Vermont Newspapers. The vast majority, however, are available on microfilm at the Vermont Dept. of Libraries in Montpelier. The Dept. of Libraries does lend the microfilms out via interlibrary loan, so those who live a distance from Montpelier still can have access to the information they contain.
Robert M. Murphy, compiler
May 2009
Index by Locality (pdf format)