Notes from the President

27 Jul 2009

This is a new feature on this website. I hope to be able to provide more timely information to members than is possible with our quarterly newsletter and at our twice-annual conferences. I plan to update this section approximately on a monthly basis.

Search for Newsletter Editor:

Of primary importance at the moment is the need for a new Newsletter editor. Bill Budde, current editor, has served us well during the past four years, and now needs time for other pursuits. We wish him well, and thank him for his service over these past years. Getting a new volunteer to take over the publication of our Newsletter is urgent. We try to publish on a quarterly basis, and it has traditionally been our primary contact with members like you for society news, upcoming events and genealogical items of interest. The addition of this page to our website may provide much of that for online members, but we know from the results of our questionnaire a couple of years ago that many of our members do not have internet access. Thus the Newsletter is still of great importance.

So what does it take to be a newsletter editor?

Some of the most important attributes are

That’s all! I am sure there are many of you who qualify on all counts. If you qualify on only three of the above, don’t rule yourself out. I expect that some do not have “desktop publishing experience”. We can work with that, including getting you appropriate software if you have none. You say you live a distance from Vermont? Not a problem. Our current Newsletter editor ships his final product to a Staples in another city for printing. He might as well be on another planet. His files get to Staples in Rutland from his Arlington home no more quickly than if he were sending them from Bangladesh.

So let me know if you are interested. We would like to get someone up and running in time for the November Newsletter. And if you are not interested in the editor’s job, consider becoming a contributor; that will make the job of editor (whoever that is) much easier and more enjoyable.

Bob Murphy


Page last updated 30 July 2009