Notes from the President

18 Sep 2010

Fall Meeting

We have a great meeting coming up in October. I hope you will be able to be there. Three interesting speakers on a variety of topics, that will not only be stimulating in themselves, but will give you insight on how to get more out of your future research. Don’t put it off. Sign up today. See you there!

Member Contributions

I keep beating this old horse, but you and I both know that a society like ours is best when everyone contributes. Your editors are always looking for new material, and welcome your articles, transcriptions, etc., for publication in our Newsletter and Vermont Genealogy. Vermont genealogical content on our website is also important, so send those contributions to our Webmistress, Diantha Howard.

Support your Local Historical Society

I recently had an opportunity to assist with a presentation to the New England Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists. It was held at the Vermont Historical Society in Barre, and their principal interest was in the genealogical resources there which were unique or relatively so. Among the items brought out for their perusal were censuses of Montpelier and Windsor, Burlington Savings Bank records, store account books, diaries, family collections, original town records, and more. The point of my mentioning this is that your local historical society also contains many similar unique items that can be important to researchers, and those societies deserve your support (both financial and time). So become a member, volunteer a few hours a week, and you will be doing your part to help preserve the past.

Bob Murphy



Page last updated 19 Sep 2010